Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Trade Associations
A Good Investment

Some cynics look on their business or trade associations as an unnecessary expense. True, some do a much better job than others of promoting their industry, providing members with valuable benefits, and supplying guidelines for production and business practices. But membership may still offer a big return on your investment.

Recently an egg producer in Mt. Joy, PA was charged with 35 counts of cruelty by an animal rights group. The company is not a member of the United Egg Producers (UEP), an association that represents more than 90% of all U.S. egg producers, and does not participate in the association's hen welfare program: UEP Certified.

The implication is that this producer doesn't care about the welfare of the hens that are crucial to his success. That's nonsense, but that's the way it will seem to those who don't understand agricultural production.

Whatever his reasons for not supporting his trade association, the image projected is not good. When it comes to weighing the charges, how much will perception affect reality?


Friday, January 20, 2006

Small Space Ads
Can be Effective

Even with a skimpy budget, continuity and frequency can work well if you hang in long enough.

Example: Woody Burch ran a 1 col. x 1 inch ad in a local paper three times a week for many years. This little b & w ad just had a head shot of Woody, and copy that said: "Trees Removed Woody Burch" plus his
phone number.

If you asked anyone in that paper's circulation area about tree removal, most would remember Woody.

Every windfall became a windfall for Woody...a little guy who built a solid business because he understood it's good to already be in your prospect's noodle when you're needed.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Here's How I Can Help
The Little Guy's Marketing

Sometimes the longest journey begins with a single slip. I've been schlepping about trying to take my first step as a blogger after a cascade of get acquainted slips.

In my 49-year career in marketing I've worn more hats than Hedda.
Some fit a lot better than others, but I learned something from all of them. (Hell. Even if you're not paying attention, something has to stick
from all that exposure.)

Which reminds me: when someone says, "Been there. Done that," I like
to ask, "How well did you do when you got there?"

So, what I'd like to do in future blogs is not brag about how savvy I am,
but rather share some of my winners and sinners. They might help "The
Little Guy"(TLG) get off a few good rounds without getting shot.