Marketing strategy…
Are Alive and Well
In the Jan. /Feb issue of 1to 1 Magazine, author Paul Greenburg says the 4 P’s are no longer king. He says now the 5 C’s dominate. They are: contextual, connected, collaborative, creative and content driven. Say what?
How do you make any of those high C’s make music without the 4 P’s of product, price, place and promotion. Aren’t the 5 C’s all part of promotion? And don’t those neat sounding C’s contribute to, rather than replace what helps establish product, price and place?
In the same issue, Lior Arussy, President of Strativity Group, argues for a new gaggle of P’s: preference, premium price, portion of budget and permanence of relationship. He says the new 4 P’s are not company-centric, but customer-centric. Say what?
How do you build preference, establish a premium price, capture a portion of budget and build a permanent relationship without those good old-fashioned P’s?
Also, in the same issue, James Vila, Senior Director, Carlson 1 to 1, and Principal Peppers & Rogers, says the idea that the 4 P’s are history “is clearly nonsense.” He argues that the Internet and the fragmentation of marketing disciplines and communications tools have changed the way we use the 4 P’s. Right on!
Peter Nyberg, President and Founder of Ingage, agrees. He says we need a holistic approach to the 4 P’s based on listening to customers to guide our strategies. Now that’s customer- centric.
Tip for The Little Guy
Click on to read the complete article and others relevant to all marketers, great and small. It will be a good investment of your precious time.