Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Time Magazine Article Helps

Support Effects of Branding

There may be no living with the brand guys now that they’ve read the Time article “Marketing to Your Mind.” (January 29, 2007). It substantiates with scientific research the power of branding.

Researcher P. Read Montague of Baylor College of Medicine gave 67 folks a blind taste test of Coke and Pepsi. The results: Tasters were closely split on their preference. But, when he repeated the test after telling them what they were sipping, three out of four said they preferred Coke.

The brand advocates will say, “Well, sure. That’s why we advertise. We build brand preference.” But the direct response folks will say the brand guys are just confirming what all great copywriters know: You sell more stuff when you leverage ideas that are already in the prospect’s head. Just tap my medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus circuits and you’ve got the sale? Well, not quite.

The point is, the brand folks have a point. Branding is getting a bad rap from some critics. They argue that you can’t measure the ROI on many branding campaigns. Once upon a time, that was true. But today there’s no excuse for not building in some metrics to help separate B.S. from accountability.

Branding Helps Persuasion

Marketing requires persuading others that you have a product or service that will fulfill a need or a want. It’s much easier to help prospects sell themselves when they know and trust your brand. The internet makes it much easier for them to shop products, compare features, benefits and price. When all things are equal, or close to equal, the strong brand has a leg up on the ladder to a sale.

Tip for The Little Guy

Brand AND sell. Forget the old notion that “You’ve got to keep your name before the public.” That’s not enough. You’ve got to sell stuff while you build a brand your customers and prospects know and trust. Every ad, every campaign, should be able to stand on its own while it builds the brand and promotes sales. Readers aren’t just hanging out waiting for your next message. Every bit of marcom is a sales and brand building opportunity. But, it’s not enough just to get them to love you. Give them reasons to buy.


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