Marketing: Marcom & Strategy
Practice "The Golden Rule"
“What you do not want others to do to you, do
not do to others.” Confucius c. 500 B.C.
“Do to others what you would have them do
to you.” Mathew 7:12
Problem is, there’s no such thing as total objectivity. That’s why we need things like sensitivity counseling, customer relationship management programs, and $1,200 dollar training seminars. Some folks just don’t know when they’re being obnoxious, intrusive, rude-crude oafs or PMS crabs-- unless they get special help. The rest of you who possess sensitivity and empathy can save your money.
Ah, but there’s that objectivity bit: The adage, “To thine own self, be true” is a tough mission. When it comes to human relationships we can’t get a clear picture by staring at our navel. Maybe a second opinion is needed. That’s why “This call may be monitored.” That’s why mystery shoppers can be a good investment. And when you can afford them, that’s why good consultants earn their money.
Maybe for us little guys, the best we can do is open our minds and hearts and try--- as we’ve been taught since childhood---“to do the right thing.”
I’m all for permission marketing, opt-in lists, and DNC lists (unless you have a prior PBR). But sometimes, like a loving parent with an inattentive child, it takes a smack along side the head to get attention. Just how hard and how often should be governed by how you as the recipient would feel about the choice of media, the frequency, and the message.
I believe a business is usually a reflection of the folks who run it. Nice guys and gals don’t finish last; it just may take them longer to get there. It takes time to earn the respect and loyalty of customers and to reap the benefits of their lifetime value. When others ask about your company, and your customers say, “They’re nice people to do business with,” that’s like money in the bank.
So if it doesn’t come naturally, practice “The Golden Rule” until you get it right. It puts money in the till. And Mama was right: It’s the right thing to do.