Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Don't Let Left-Brainers
Kill Your Brainstorms

The perennial battle between the chicken approach to innovation and the bright ideas of creative people with sales sense goes on and on. And when the creatives lose, no one will ever really know if the idea sucked, or if not using it cost the marketer a bundle because it might have worked.

One big problem though…. Many creative folks lack sales sense. They are the ones who create messages that are clever, cute, graphically superb--- and irrelevant and ineffective! No wonder the bottom-liners are afraid to try something new. If you stubbed your toe on a tent peg in the darkness, the next time you go out to pee you’re bound step with caution.

Marketing communications needs both left and right brain thinkers--- and ambidextrous thinkers who see the big picture and can put it all together.

A marketer’s biggest weapon today is creativity. The second biggest is the ability to track the effectiveness of that creativity. It’s not complicated. If it doesn’t work, stop it. If it does work, do more of it.

Creatives will find plenty of ammo to support their battles with the gutless in Pat Fallon and Fred Senn’s new book: Juicing the Orange.

Here’s what Kenneth J. Roering, Professor, Marketing and Logistics Mgt., Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota says about the book:

Juicing the Orange may be the most interesting, enjoyable, and informative book on enhancing business performance available. The authors’ humble, thoughtful delivery of a truly valuable message qualifies this book for my ‘must read’ rating.

The book’s Web site is a stellar example of creativity that entertains, informs, and sells. Check it out at:


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