Thursday, May 04, 2006

Little Postcards solve the big problem
of getting your mail opened

Even great envelope teaser copy may not be enough to get your direct mail package opened. Why miss an opportunity when a postcard is a perfect fit?

You can show and/or say a lot on a postcard. Visit where you’ll see what copywriter Bob Westenberg does with 4 x 6 “postcards. His little newsletter appropriately named IMP is full of quips, quotes and comments.

But Bob does more than entertain. He also sells his services, documents his experience and establishes creditability with a long list of impressive clients.

Here’s another example of smart marketing with postcards: Belleview Winery, located in South Jersey, combines 4 x 6” postcards and event marketing to reach prospects and customers on a regular basis. Early in the year they do a mailing which lists on one side all 12 events scheduled for the year. On the address side they promote the current event. Most are two-day events and a timely reminder postcard will go out before each one.

Owners Jim and Nancy Quarella also leverage things nicely with plenty of pre and post event publicity and a supply of cards at all their retailers.

For trade shows and exhibits, I like to send a pre show postcard to advance registrants, or even to the show sponsors’ complete mailing list when appropriate. It’s a good way to build booth traffic. Why wait for folks to show up and find you? Tell all the folks down at 42nd. Street that you will be there!

Some gurus say it takes seven impressions to move someone to action. That’s a big generalization. If your product, message and timing are right, one little postcard (remember, it’s already opened) in the right prospect’s hand is a call to action that works.

It’s like putting a miniature billboard in your prospect’s hands. And, it provides more detail than she could absorb zipping by a billboard at 60 MPH. Unlike the billboard, she can save it, review it, and pass it on to others. So while she’s out of her vehicle, you’ve used your marcom vehicle to get multiple impressions without another drive by.

And here’s another bonus: In many offices, before it gets to the addressee, your postcard is already hard at work. Any hand that handles it may be connected to a prospect, customer, or influencer...all V.I.P.'s to marketers.

Your postcard is like a sound bite. It makes the meat of the story a palatable snack. It’s economical and tasteful…a way to break through clutter without a sledge hammer. And they work. I know. They’ve worked for me and my clients.

A great source loaded with ammo on the subject is


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